Faculty and Staff Resources

Notification of Accommodations

At any time during the semester, per a student’s request, faculty may receive a Professor Notification Letter (PNL) email which allows the student to access their disability accommodations. This document notifies the faculty of a student’s approved classroom accommodations and it will be emailed directly from DAS. Faculty are responsible for providing approved accommodations upon receipt of the PNL.

Faculty Responsibility for Providing Accommodations

  • Ensure that students who request accommodations for disability related reasons are referred to DAS if they are not already registered with us. You can do this by including a simple statement on your syllabus.
  • Provide and implement only approved accommodations listed on the student’s Professor Notification Letter.
  • Contact DAS if you have concerns about an approved accommodation or how to implement it. The staff at DAS is prepared to assist faculty by answering questions about a specific accommodation and/or providing instructions on how to implement them.
  • Maintain the student’s privacy by not sharing information about a student’s accommodations with anyone.
  • Provide handouts, videos, and other course materials in accessible formats.
  • Verify all digital media is accessible — including all Canvas courses.

Syllabus Statements

A syllabus statement can provide an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere to your class. It is a statement placed on a course syllabus that indicates a faculty member’s familiarity with the institution’s ADA compliance obligations and their willingness to provide reasonable accommodations to a student with a disability. The best syllabus statements are friendly, supportive, and personal messages to your students.

What should a syllabus statement contain?

  • An invitation for the student to meet confidentially to discuss their need for academic adjustments and to work out the logistics of the accommodations.
  • Notification that students must present requests for accommodation in a timely manner.   

Sample syllabus statements:
Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability is encouraged to contact Disability Access Services (DAS) to coordinate reasonable accommodations.  Email DASboston@northeastern.edu to begin the process.

Any student with a documented disability is encouraged to contact Disability Access Services (DAS) to coordinate reasonable accommodations as early in the semester as possible. Email DASboston@northeastern.edu to begin the process.

If you need official accommodations, you are welcome to contact Disability Access Services to begin this conversation or to establish accommodations for this or other courses.

Northeastern University is committed to the creation of an inclusive and safe learning environment for all students and welcomes students with disabilities into all the University’s educational programs. Disability Access Services (DAS) is responsible for the determination of appropriate accommodations for students who encounter barriers due to disability. Please contact DASboston@northeastern.edu as soon as possible.

Image of student walking on campus.
Image of Northeastern graduation ceremony.
image of dog with diversity flag.
image of students walking on a footbridge on Northeastern Boston campus.

FAQs for Faculty and Staff

A student asked for an accommodation not listed on their PNL, or I think they need additional accommodations. What should I do?

Please refer the student to DAS for information on how to request additional accommodations. Do not grant them additional accommodations unless you would grant those same requests to the entire class. Following the accommodations listed on their Professor Notification Letters helps maintain fairness and consistency for all students.

I have a student who is approved for a 1-3 day extension on assignments. Is that automatic for every assignment

No, students approved for this accommodation typically have unpredictable and episodic conditions. When a flare up occurs, they should notify their instructor and copy their DAS specialist to propose a new assignment due date. If you notice this happening very frequently or if you have other concerns, please reach out to DAS and we can put you in contact with the student’s specialist.

I have a student who wants to take an exam before the start of class. Do I need to allow this?

It is not uncommon for students with extended time to start early so they can get to their next class on time. You can check with the student to make sure that is the case. DAS is also open for exam proctoring until 7pm most evenings and we can help facilitate a discussion about how best to accommodate the student’s schedule.

Where can I find resources for creating accessible materials?

Both DAS and Northeastern’s Academic Technology Services (ATS) can provide guidance on creating accessible course materials. Please contact either office with questions: DASBoston@northeastern.edu or AThelp@northeastern.edu.

For information specifically about planning accessible events on campus, see our flyer here.

How do I provide extended time on Canvas exams?

For online exams administered through Canvas, faculty will need to make the adjustment themselves for each individual student. Students are asked to remind you a few days prior to the exam, and Academic Technology Services is available to assist. You can find more information about their services here

Does extended time apply to take home exams?

Yes, if it is a timed exam. However you are not required to extend the length of a take home exam past 24 hours. If the test is available for fewer than 24 hours, you should adhere to the student’s regular extended time accommodation and adjust their given time accordingly.

How long does DAS review process take?

DAS uses a multi-source process to determine accommodations and for this reason it can take two to three weeks to gather and review all the required documents. In some cases this process can take even longer if we need to request additional information from the student, so we suggest you start working with our office as soon as possible.

A student with a service dog is being disruptive in my class what can I do?

Service dogs are not allowed to be disruptive in classrooms or any other part of the university. If a dog is causing trouble, we suggest you talk with the student first (preferably after class or during a break) and discuss the specific behaviors the dog is exhibiting and why they are not appropriate. If this continues please speak to the DAS about other options.

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are not permitted in any campus buildings other than residence halls. If a student brings an emotional support animal to class, please contact the DAS.

How will I know if a student is taking my exam with the DAS?

Students are responsible for submitting a Room Reserve Request form for each exam they wish to take in the DAS testing center. This request will send an automated email to the course instructor alerting them and asking that the exam and all proctoring instructions be submitted to the DAS by email prior to the exam. Students are asked to provide at least a week’s notice for all exams.

What do I do if a student presents me directly with disability documentation?

If a student presents documentation to you please direct them to bring it to our office or email us at DASBoston@northeastern.edu. We have a process that protects faculty and students by ensuring an equitable and fair determination of accommodations and we are available to meet with students throughout the day.

A student in my class is struggling. How do I know if DAS is the right place to send them?

If the student has not disclosed a disability, you could ask: “Have you had this type of difficulty in the past?” If the student mentions having extra time or a 504 or IEP plan, you can ask if they’ve heard about DAS. This is preferable to asking directly about disabilities, as it doesn’t put the student on the spot or make them feel like they need to disclose details about their disability. DAS can help guide them to the resources that they need.

I have a student who receives the notetaking accommodation. What do I have to do to implement this accommodation?

There is no action required on your part to implement the notetaking accommodation. DAS will find and train an in-class notetaker to supply notes for DAS student. If we have any trouble finding a notetaker, we may reach out for your assistance, but there is nothing else required of you initially.